This song is made up of chords and a melody.
Let’s learn the chords. First get the C shape in place.
Listen to what you have to do, tap your feet and move your body to the beat.
Keep tapping your foot, move to the beat and imagine the sound of what I have just done.
Sing what I have just done.
Play it with me.
Stop the video and do it on your own. After each repetition ask yourself the following:
Check questions
Repeat Repeat this exercise as many times as you need, until you can answer with a yes all the check questions.
Let’s learn the melody.
Listen to what you have to do and tap your feet to the beat.
Keep tapping your foot and move your body to the beat, and imagine the sound of what I have just done.
Sing what I have just done.
Play it with me.
Stop the video and do it on your own.
Check questions
Repeat this exercise as many times as you need to, until you can answer with a yes all the check questions.
Let’s combine the chords together with the melody.
Record yourself in video, with your phone, playing example 4.1. Your recording must answer yes to the following check questions. Once you are satisfied please submit your recording to the teacher.
Check questions
Record yourself in video, with your phone, playing C | Am | C |Am, each chord lasts 4 beats. Strumming with a pick or thumb. Your recording must answer yes to the following check questions. Once you are satisfied please submit your recording to the teacher.
Check questions